Yarra Ranges
This page includes information about Yarra Ranges Council services.
Warburton Valley
Here you find a listing of our local police stations, fire brigades and Upper Yarra SES. Our local CFAs and SES are always looking for new volunteers so consider joining!
Yarra Ranges
Need to raise an issue with our elected representatives? You can find contacts for our Federal and State Parliamentarians from here.

Warburton Valley
You can travel by train from the City to Lilydale and catch bus no 683 along the Warburton Highway all the way to Warburton (and on some services to East Warburton).
Warburton Valley
Simply snap a photo of the problem, send a report in 30-seconds using the app and the issue is sent directly to the appropriate authority to be solved including Yarra Ranges Council, Telstra, NBN, Ausnet, Yarra Valley Water.

Warburton Valley
Volunteer service for rescuing injured wildlife.
Phone: 0427 088 121
Email: uywrn2020@gmail.com
Photo: David Clode

Warburton Valley
Did you know you can join the YRFS any time and enjoy the monthly screenings: at Arts Centre, Warburton on the second Tuesday of the month, or at The Memo, Healesville on the third Tuesday of the month. Memberships and generous discounts plus an amazing line up of interesting films. Also seeking volunteers.
Email: vivrbond@gmail.com
Website: https://www.yarrarangesfilmsociety.org.au/