YOU'RE INVITED TO THE WARBURTON VALLEY BUSINESS EXPO The way we do business is in a constant state of change. It takes skill and good planning to ride through the impacts of change, and with the right mindset, the insights of others and the support of the broader business community, we can not only thrive in times of change, but also prosper together.
This Business Expo has a range of topics to participate in all afternoon. Plus join us for a social/networking session at the end.
There are different aspects to the afternoon:
Speakers – A handpicked agenda of interesting and topical business leaders will share their insights and experiences for better business during change Workshops – Breakout sessions on a variety of topics that will focus on quick wins and planning for the future Online Presence Health checks - Speak with an expert about practical ways to improve your online presence. (20 min slots, 10 only, first in best dressed) Networking – Throughout the day and at a post-event drinks catch up
All conveniently located at the Arts Centre in Warburton.
1pm Arrivals/ checkins and welcome 1.30pm Workshop 1 (45 mins) – Can I get a grant and what does it take to be successful? with Stephen Dowling 2.30pm Workshop 2 (45 mins) – HR : Implementing purposeful and effective wellbeing processes to engage staff and help them to flourish with Peter Maguire from Ridgeline HR 3.15pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm Workshop 3 (45 mins) – Content Marketing, Email Marketing and Video Marketing with Clarissa Harris from True Tribe 4.30pm Keynote speaker (45 mins) - What do you want to achieve, and by when? with Marcus Barber – Strategic Futurist 5.15pm WVCEDA Thank you and update 5.30pm Networking (drinks and finger food in gallery). Door Prize. 7pm Finish
See www.warburtonvalley.org for full bios.
All afternoon Social/online health check appointments book your spot when booking your ticket. These spots are for WVCEDA members.
Network throughout the day and at a post-event "Cheese and Chat' drinks catch up - find out more about the people behind the businesses in your region, make new connections and enjoy the buzz of a thriving business community.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This Business Expo, for the first time, brings together business and services across the Warburton Valley to meet, interact and learn from one another, and a dynamic selection of industry leaders and experts. It is a practical and hands-on afternoon where attendees can walk away with new connections, inspiration to guide planning, and action points that can be put immediately into improving your business.
It is suitable for existing and new business owners and staff, and is open to all members of our community, not only CEDA Members.
Bring your Business Card to participate in the door prize draw.
With gratitude to our Event Sponsors: Yarra Ranges Council - Business and Trader Group-Led Recovery Grant
Yarra Ranges Enterprise Centre